
Audio recordings from events

How does one balance creative endeavors with the pressures of late stage capitalism, or even just a social life? No, really. How…? We will swap tips and tricks for staying organized, focused, and diligent on creative success in the face of real world pressures.

Ever notice how most heroic adventures share the same story template? Joseph Campbell certainly did when he came up with “The Hero’s Journey” narrative, and Dan Harmon expanded it with his story circle. Also see S1E1 of Myths & Monsters on Netflix.

Historian Frank Thompson (author of “Asheville Movies: The Silent Era”) shares more about his book, the long history of Asheville’s film community, and the 100th year anniversary of “The Conquest of Canaan” feature film!


 Asheville Film History

The Biltmore Estate featured in 1979’s Being There.

Ted Kendrick from Artificial Ink Creative has a weekly series on @avlfilm where he highlights a movie from Asheville’s storied film history.